What I'm interested in:
- Enviorment
Ever since I was in the third grade, I have been interested in the enviorment and how it does all the things it does and over the years I have been able to find most of the answers on the web, in text books, my parents and the news and newspaper. Whenever there was a story in the newspaper, I would read it with interest and whenever there was a story on the news about the enviorment, I would watch with interest. I am in Boy Scouts and we do alot of projects dealing with the enviorment and at school we have done alot od projects dealing with the enviorment. I think that the enviorment is in danger and I think that we need to do something about it.
- Physical Fitness
I think that physical fitness is also important. I have been interetsed in sports and physical fitness since I was in pre-school. I was into games like tag and freeze tag and hide and go seek. When I got into first grade it didnt change much I got a little more active but my second grade year was when I got into such sports as baseball and football and I became active in them . In third grade I got into basketball and was still active in baseball and football. When I got into fourth grade my interest in track in track grew but that interest died in seventh grade. When I got into the sixth grade, I started rollerblading and so the sports that I am playing now are football, basketball, baseball, rollerblading and soon to be swimming.
- Music
My interest in music has come and gone over the years. In the third grade, I took up piano. It was fun til I got into 5th grade when I dropped it. When I got into sixth grade I started playing the trumpet and I had found something that I liked and I continued playing in the seventh grade. Them I switched to St. Joseh at the semester and they didnt have a band of any sort so I was stuck with no band to play in. Then I started composing pieces of music they werent any good but it was good practice and I learned from it. Then when I moved to Callanan I joined the band there and I am going to start in the jazz band in early October. I believe it will be fun.